Mountaineering Club
     A number of professional and cultural organizations in campus (Adventist University of the Philippines) actively seek to enrich the work of the classroom and provide opportunities for leadership and worthwhile social experience. Each student is urged to take part in several religious organizations and to maintain membership in one or more clubs. For his/her professional club, the student is expected to naturally choose the one in line with his/her future vocation or his major field. 
AMC Vision Statement
A Christ like mountaineer,
Skillful in mountains,
Serving the multitude.

AMC Mission Statement

As Christ ambassadors, the AMC is committed to climb 
every spiritual mountain, to grow equal and harmonize
ourselves with God and nature, and to serve 
the multitude in relieving their pains and preparing
them to meet Christ.

AMC Objectives

1. soul winning
2. spiritual recreation
3. environmental protection

AMC motto/slogan

mountains and multitude
Hiker’s Creed take nothing but pictures kill nothing but time leave nothing but footprints keep nothing but memories
Hiker’s Creed
take nothing but pictures
kill nothing but time
leave nothing but footprints
keep nothing but memories

Philippne Chapter

AMC salutes  Dr. Reuel C. Beatriz for ranking 10th place in Dentistry licensure  Board Examination held last  December 14 -19 , 2010  
 AMC family is so very proud of you! 

upcoming event


AY Legion of Honor

I volunteer now to join the AY Legion of Honor 
And by the grace and power of God I will,
Honor Christ in that which I choose to behold
Honor Christ in that which I choose to listen
Honor Christ in the choice of places to go
Honor Christ in the choice of associates
Honor Christ in that which I choose to speak
Honor Christ in the one I give my body temple.

AY Aim
The Advent message to all the world in my generation.

AY Motto
The love of Christ constrains me.

AY Pledge
Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in the youth ministry of the church, doing what I can to help others and to finish the work of the Gospel in all the world.